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已有 393 次阅读2017-1-22 23:26 | Wholesale Balt, Baltimore Orio

Dason Anthony, a 26 year old who hails from Kitty, yesterday launched a website for his online Fashion Boutique, 592Dresses.Anthony began his business last July using social platforms such as Facebook andModels display some of the dresses being offered for sale by 592Dresses.Instagram as a marketing tool. With his new website, Dason said that he hopes to make the shopping experience of his customers easier and more accessible.Asked why he decided to enter the fashion industry despite the enormous competition,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, Dason stated that he is promoting more than just fashion, “What I am promoting,” he said,Wholesale Golden State Warriors Jerseys, “is quality service and superior products at affordable prices.”Dason also added that his boutique will not be one which imports from other countries as what he is aiming to do is “To have an apparel factory, in which everything is made and designed in Guyana.”As such, Dason said that currently he is only using dresses designed by ShaSha designs owner, Keisha Edwards but as the business expands he will be adding more local designers.Despite recognizing his love for fashion from a young age as he often served as “judge” on the outfits of his five sisters, Dason said that he never saw fashion as being a business opportunity. As such,Tony Dorsett Jersey, fashion was put on the back burner for a while.After completing his CSEC studies however and four years of careful consideration,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, Dason decided to test the proverbial waters and opened an online shopping boutique. He said that while the business is relatively new, he has received tremendous support from family and friends. Challenges, he said, have quickly been overcome with the “Help of God.”While managing his online business, Dason said that he is currently a business executive at Digicel. “One cannot leave an income earner until business is booming.”When asked what advice he would give to up and coming entrepreneurs, he said,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, “Take a stand for yourself. If you are dissatisfied with your current circumstances,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, admit that no one can fix them except you. It doesn’t do any good to blame the economy,cheap nfl jerseys discount, your boss, your spouse,Jon Casey Jersey, your government or your family. Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen.”






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