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已有 461 次阅读2017-1-22 23:25 | Chicago Cubs G, Ron Duguay Ran

Members of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) are to be trained as observers by elections officials.According to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), it met with GPSU’sGPSU’s members will be trained by GECOM as observers for the May 11 polls.President,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, Patrick Yarde and members of the Executive Council in which they were given a brief outline of the prerequisite principles and guidelines for local election observers.The meeting took place last Friday.“GECOM’s Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, explained the importance of local observers paying strict heed to GECOM’s established terms of reference,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, so as to ensure that they operate in a professional manner within the spirit and letter of the principles and guidelines outlined in GECOM’s Observer Protocols.”GPSU had signaled interest to provide field observers for the elections and GECOM had insisted that they be familiar with the established guidelines.“GECOM will be leading a training exercise with members of the GPSU on Friday,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, April 17, 2015 at the Union’s Headquarters on Regent Street. This exercise is being done to ensure that the GPSU deploys observers on Election Day who have been properly trained to execute their task of election observation with the requisite efficiency and integrity,” GECOM said yesterday.The Commission also expects that by providing the necessary training in its election observation principles and guidelines,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, it will receive positive and constructive feedback that can further help to improve Guyana’s electoral processes.“As a consequence,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, the continuous development of our democratic election culture will be further facilitated and enhanced.”Dr. Surujbally commended the GPSU for its initiative to become a local election observer for the elections.He stated that free,Jon Casey Jersey, fair,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, creditable and transparent elections are the hallmark of GECOM’s electoral management principles and best practices.“And since observing elections is one of GPSU’s action priorities, GECOM is looking forward to a most rewarding working relationship with the union.”






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