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已有 465 次阅读2017-1-22 12:18 | Ron Duguay Ran, Wholesale Balt

A voir dire (trial within a trial) is to be conducted at the next hearing of the preliminary inquiry (PI) into the death of 20-year-old cane juice vendor, Madhuri Padumdeo. The trial was scheduled to commence yesterday but due to the absence of a Police Constable who reportedly took statements from the accused, the matter was adjourned.Madhuri PadumdeoThe PI is being presided over by Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The reputed husband of the deceased,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, 21-year-old Michael Anthony Persaud is currently facing the pre-trial hearing for the woman’s death.Attorney-at-law Bernard De Santos (SC) is representing Persaud. He,Edson Puch Chile Jersey, on the last occasion, objected to an alleged caution statement which the prosecution was attempting to have the court accept. De Santos rejected the prosecution’s request citing that the document’s information was not given free and voluntarily.His assumption was that the police used illegal methods to obtain information from the accused. The disagreement thus led to the court ordering a voir dire to determine the value of the defense’s accusations and whether the statement should be tendered.Previously,Michael Jordan Jersey, crime scene photographer Lance Corporal Desmond Johnny completed his testimony in the murder PI. He also provided the court with physical evidence that was allegedly recovered from the murder scene.De Santos at that time had also objected to the photos that were presented to the court. The lawyer felt that the nude photos of the dead woman were not relevant. The senior lawyer also argued that the photographs were repetitive and that the position of the deceased was changed to accommodate the shot being taken.The court,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, however, accepted and tendered the 25 images that were presented.On December 22 last year, Persaud was found by police officers sleeping next to the nude, lifeless body of his reputed wife. At the time the mother of one had a piece of rope wrapped around her neck,Enrique Hernandez Dodgers Jersey, causing investigators to believe that she was strangled to death.The cane juice vendor was working from a vehicle at the University of Guyana (UG) Access Road. She resided at Lot 8,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, North Sophia,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, Bel Air,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, with her reputed husband.Michael PersaudHer mother reportedly discovered the man sleeping next to the dead woman and called the police.






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