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已有 460 次阅读2017-1-22 12:13 | cheap nfl jers, Enrique Hernan

When people cooking dem does put something in front of dem. That thing is de apron. It does protect de person from hot oil or hot water.Dem boys find out that apron is fuh more than cooking.? De first big apron was Barbie.? De Rat look specially fuh he and put he to front everything.? But Barbie face alone does show how he guilty and he know it.Dem boys had serious problem getting he photograph. Even de FBI de trying to get he picture and dem had a hard time. Dem had to get he picture through de Waterfalls paper because he is a expert hide man.Barbie remind dem boys of all dem big one and some people in Guyana who ah open big fancy business and ah use dem managers as apron up front. When reporter ask wheh de owner deh, de manager does seh that de owner deh overseas,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, even if dem deh jus over de river.When Barbie buy de branch fuh de Limacol cricket dem boys didn’t see he. Dem didn’t even see he at de opening ceremony and if he been deh, dem boys seh he was hiding as usual. He didn’t even come forward to mek a speech. He put out a statement,Boston Red Sox Clay Buchholz Jersey, and even in that, he hide de facts. Like a good apron he hide how much of de Rat money he spend; wheh it come from and how de payment was made. He even hide if dem mek a profit. Is only time wid he and de Rat and Brazzy. Dem boys praying,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, but not every day like Brazzy, who praying to stay out of jail.Irfaat got a big apron, too,Nomar Mazara Rangers Jersey, and is not fuh cooking. He got nuff money that he collect from people through trickery or through de thing that de Ministry of Home Affairs begging people fuh talk about,Chile Jersey, but which it gun do nutten about. Dem call it ‘I tek a bribe.’Irfaat apron got a name and is a man wha’ a lot of people know. Dem boys was watching a long time now,NFL Jerseys Cheap, but now dem ah hear how this Guyana famous cricketah who live pun de East Bank tun apron like Barbie, Brian de Old and Fish Hook.Dem boys seh today is Uncle Adam birthday,Alen Halilovic Jersey, he tun a real real pensioner now,Tony Dorsett Jersey, and dem boys know Uncle Donald gon come and tek a drink with him at KaieteurTalk half and wait fuh hear ‘bout more apron.






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