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Chile Jersey jwfmyvwl

已有 414 次阅读2017-1-22 12:11 | Walter Payton, Ron Duguay Ran

Manny show off in Parliament de other day. He try fuh talk English and all dem word come out wrang. He arguing how de budget good and how de laptop programme is one of de best. De only thing is that he end up talking bout luptap instead of laptop. He seh that de government bringing 90,Walter Payton Bears Jersey,000 luptap.Then he talk bout birdwatching. He stand up holding he birdie and telling dem MP “Check it out. Check it out.” Then he tell dem,Jon Casey Jersey, “Who got luptap check it out.”Dem boys hear he and all who had laptop in Parliament tun it on. Dem can’t find one mention of Guyana. Dem find Cuba,Alexander Semin Canadiens Jersey, Suriname and Trinidad among the top 25 bird watching countries pun de same Google he talking about. Not one word about Guyana.Is only when dem check Google Guyana at Google.gy then dem boys see something bout Guyana and birdwatching. And is Manny heself write that. And he still holding ee birdie.He fellow MP waiting fuh Manny pun de road. Is slingshot in he tail? Deborah Backer intend to ask he fuh show she de birdie. That is de thing what Manny claim people coming to Guyana fuh see.Bharrat gun left he without pants. Let dem tourist come. And since dem plan fuh give every tourist driver’s permit as soon as dem come off de plane Manny gun add something extra—one luptap fuh read about he famous birdie.Talk half. Left half.






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