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已有 396 次阅读2017-1-22 02:37 | Wholesale Gold, Michael Taylor

A 12-member jury yesterday unanimously found carnal knowledge accused, Kenroy Fraser,NFL Jerseys Cheap, not guilty.After approximately one and a half hours of deliberation the jury returned to say that after examining the evidence they found him not guilty of the offence and as such he was released.The presiding judge,Michael Jordan Jersey, Justice James Bovell-Drakes told Fraser to take it as an eye-opener as to how to conduct himself in the future.None of Fraser’s relatives or friends was in court at the time. Fraser,Detroit Tigers J. D. Martinez Jersey, who was unrepresented, was charged with having carnal knowledge with a girl under the age of 15 years in November 2007 at Pouderoyen,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, West Bank Demerara.Several witnesses testified in the matter since its commencement earlier in the month among them,Washington Nationals Gio Gonzalez Jersey, the virtual complainant,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, her brother, the officer who took her to the hospital to be examined,Chicago Cubs Travis Wood Jersey, Police Constable Coletta Jones and the police officer who contacted the accused and told him of the allegation, Police Constable Mohanram Doloi gave evidence. State prosecutors were Prithima Kissoon,Wholesale Baltimore Orioles Jerseys, Dion McCammon and Dianna Boyan.






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