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已有 384 次阅读2017-1-21 17:14 | cheap nfl jers, Jon Casey Jers

Yesterday,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, Bharrat cuss out. A reporter from de Waterfalls newspaper ask Bharrat fuh a one-on-one interview. Right away Bharrat lash out. He claim how de Waterfalls paper does lie,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, how people close to de paper involve in fraud and how de paper don’t seh sorry.Dem boys seh that Bharrat know why he lash out because he got friends who does cloak up under he and thiefing more than some of dem people in jail. Nuff of dem thief in Customs and dem do suh wid duty free concession when dem ain’t entitle to none. Some just tek money like if is dem own.One man tell dem boys how he don’t have to pay tax because Bharrat is he friend. Dem boys seh that once people in de circle,Deron Williams Team USA Jersey, dem got it lock.But de story get more sweet when Bharrat lash out at Uncle Freddie. He call Uncle Freddie all kind of name. Dem boys seh that is because Uncle Freddie always cussing Bharrat that de big man cuss he back.Well Uncle Freddie gun cuss back and since cuss don’t have back door it gun be tit for tat. Dem boys seh that is only libel gun mek Uncle Freddie pull in he hoof.Already Uncle Freddie seh that de New Building Society run broke because is only a few of Bharrat friends get de loan and mek it reach de limit.Dem boys hope that dem pay back because NBS can end up like Globe Trust.Talk half. Lef half.






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