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已有 334 次阅读2017-1-21 17:11 | wholesale jers, NFL Jerseys Ch

An electronics firm that sells tracking and other security devices is now seeking police help to track a gang of burglars who stole their money-safe.Police said that the owners of El Dorado Communications (ECI) discovered yesterday that thieves had broken into their Mandela Avenue premises and made off with a safe containing some $12M in local and foreign currency.The office was reportedly closed over the weekend.Kaieteur News understands that security cameras installed by the company picked up the images of about three individuals entering and leaving the building. A source said that the firm had no security guards.El Dorado Communications is owned and operated by Tyrone Williams. The firm has been attempting to popularize the application of a range of alarm and tracking devices to help protect companies from theft,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, vandalism and break-ins.The firm also employs technicians to install the equipment. ECI also offers GPS devices to aid in tracking of stolen vehicles.






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