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已有 424 次阅读2017-1-21 17:09 | Enrique Hernan, NFL Jerseys Ch

The 35-year-old porkknocker who allegedly murdered Donna Lakeram at Issano has? reportedly claimed that the woman had stolen a quantity of raw gold from him.Police say that the suspect,Dino Ciccarelli Jersey, who is to appear in court shortly,Chile Jersey, has confessed to strangling and clubbing Lakeram. Kaieteur News understands that the suspect, who is from Fort Island, Essequibo,wholesale jerseys china, is a former employee of the slain woman’s reputed husband. He was reportedly fired some time ago.According to sources, Lakeram’s reputed husband operates a dredge at Issano. However, his operation is down,Alen Halilovic Jersey, and he left Lakeram at the camp alone, while he headed to Georgetown.The suspect claimed that he was at another mining camp in the area when Lakeram visited the camp and proceeded to consume alcohol with him and other workers.He claimed that the other workers eventually left and he and Lakeram continued drinking.They reportedly later got into an argument over two pennyweights of raw gold that the miner claimed that the woman had stolen from him. Police said that the miner said that he began to choke Lakeram and struck her until she collapsed.Police said that a postmortem showed that the victim died from strangulation and suffered multiple blunt trauma to the head and body.The miner was arrested soon after police at Issano responded to a report of the woman’s nude body being found near a mining camp she shared with her reputed husband.Kaieteur News understands that the dredge owner had advised Lakeram that for her own safety,Walter Payton Bears Jersey, she should sleep at another nearby camp where there were other females and then return to her camp in the day.It is believed that Lakeram,Adrian Beltre Rangers Jersey, of Second Avenue,Michael Jordan Jersey, Bartica,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, left the neighbouring camp early Tuesday morning, and that the killer followed her to her reputed husband’s camp.






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