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已有 337 次阅读2017-1-21 17:08 | Detroit Tigers, Alexander Semi

A Businessman of Ruimveldt, 41 year old Dimitri Jemmott, is seeking the assistance of the public in retrieving some of his documents which was stolen from him in a robbery.Jemmott was relieved of his possessions when two men on a bicycle approached him in front of the Chilli Restaurant and Bar at Ruimveldt,Alen Halilovic Jersey, two buildings away from this home.He was relieved of a quantity of cash,St. Louis Cardinals Whitey Herzog Jersey, a Blackberry Z10 Cellular Phone,Ron Duguay Rangers Jersey, three US Identification cards,Michael Taylor Nationals Jersey, three discount cards,Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey, NIS Card,Tom Wilson Capitals Jersey, and his Guyana Identification card.Dimitri told Kaieteur News that he identified one of his assailants who also threatened to kill him when he returns to the village. The man proceeded to follow the men in a taxi and found their dwelling place.He then sought the assistance of the Ruimveldt Police. He made a report and gave the lawmen the information at his disposal, but at the time the police told him that they had no form of transportation to go and get hold of the men.He also related that he was forced to wait approximately half an hour before he could have taken the police officers to the men’s dwelling place but by then,Christian Vazquez Red Sox Jersey, the men had already left.He was then told by the police to print the photograph of the man he identified and they will investigate the matter.Dimitri is now calling on the officers to investigate his report? in a timely manner,cheap nfl jerseys discount, since his life was threatened.






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