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已有 404 次阅读2017-1-19 22:17 | New York Mets, San Francisco

The menstrual cycle is called “the curse” for a good reason. It hurts! Various menstrual problems cause women to lose many days of school and work every year. Women may have pelvic cramps or pains in the abdomen, back, or legs. Most pains are just a normal part of the process of menstruation. However, if these pains become abnormal, or if cramps are a new problem, see a gynecologist.
In the second phase of the menstruation cycle,Chicago Cubs Greg Maddux Jersey, you are more likely to experience pain in your lower abdomen and near the ovaries. The pain could be intermittent or long-lasting. If you are experiencing excruciating cramps and debilitating pain before your periods, then you must get a medical check up done. The probable reasons behind such kind of cramping are explained below.
Did you eat contaminated food? Consuming food that has not been handled properly or has not stored/prepared in a hygienic manner could be responsible for causing food poisoning. If you drink contaminated water or consume food items that have been contaminated by bacteria, toxins or parasites, you are giving an open invitation to harmful pathogens to invade your stomach. So,Mikko Koivu Jersey, be careful about what you eat. Food poisoning is characterized by severe cramp-like pain. Other symptoms that may accompany pain include diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.
Charley Horse problem is nothing but the nocturnal leg cramps. A muscular cramp in the night, usually in the calf region,Mike Shannon Cardinals Jersey, can be due to dehydration, hormonal imbalance or deficiency of potassium and magnesium. It can also be caused due to strenuous exercise or as side effects of medicines. In the second trimester of pregnancy, muscular cramps in legs at night can cause severe pain. The best way to relieve a cramp is to immediately move the leg. Standing up or walking gives immediate relief. One can also massage the area, in the opposite direction of the spasm.
Post hysterectomy depression may interfere with sexual response. Depression may follow a hysterectomy from a concept that femininity and an intact functioning uterus are one,Marian Hossa Jersey. Some women link their self-image with reproductive ability,Keith Magnuson Jersey. Menses reminds a woman of her uniqueness where hysterectomy takes away this cue. Many women have a brief emotional reaction to the loss of the uterus and ovaries that erodes their sense of well-being and femininity. If the problem persists please discuss your feelings with your doctor,Nomar Garciaparra Red Sox Jersey.
Implant Ruptures: If you have silicone breast implants, you must be aware of the fact that they can rupture and give rise to several complications. Some of the commonly observed symptoms of a ruptured implant are pain, numbness and tingling or burning sensation in the breast. You may feel a hard knot or lump in the area around the implant or in the underarm. You may notice a change in breast size and distortion in breast shape. These signs may be accompanied with either softening or hardening of the breast.
Basil has properties that help reduce the pain and it is one of the most effective home remedies for menstrual cramps. It is advisable to use it for adding flavor to your foods, but, in order to obtain faster results, you can make a basil infusion. Put two tablespoons of basil leaves in one pint of boiling water. Let the infusion cool off and then consume half a cup every hour. This will slowly reduce the intensity of your pain.
Ovulation pain may last for a few minutes in some women to a few hours in others. On an average, it may last for about 6 to 10 hours. Yet, some women may only experience them for about 20 minutes while others may have pain for up to 2 days.
Being a woman is not easy. Month after month you have to face a condition that leaves you in pain. Usually, menstrual cycles are characterized by abdominal cramps. Most of the women experience abdominal cramping and pain just before and during their menstrual cycles. The condition is medically known as dysmenorrhea. It is a dull,Carlos Carmona Jersey, throbbing, continuous pain in the lower abdominal region that reduces in intensity as the periods progress. Menstrual cramps are highly irritating and painful. Women consume different anti-spasmodic medications to alleviate pain during this phase.
It is very normal to experience pain as the uterus contracts during periods. For some women,Blank Mexico Jersey, it is so severe that they come to dread their periods.
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