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已有 382 次阅读2017-1-17 23:06 | Paulo Garces C, Toronto Blue J

TianGang jian high temperature, foolish body that fully compressed to both hands on the true qi, in his view, the silver before to the impact of the sea awn waves, although the momentum of the rough, but power is not focused,Chicago Cubs Jorge Soler Jersey, and no any hesitation, the same type split cut, but, this time TianGang jian,Baltimore Orioles Dylan Bundy Jersey, with white inside deeply blue light.
Silver a soldier again the blunder, he clearly felt, if their punctured the key of foolish, that his body also will be foolish split, the strong attack, not flesh can block of live, inside the hall of this narrow place, and so many people standing, cardinal-the barrier bs range is not big, silver with three fundamental play to the advantages of skills. For an instant,Gerard Pique Barcelona Jersey, silver and three have made the decision to, or their life important some. All but under, he had to be in the air variant, abruptly on the shelves of the foolish TianGang sword.
The decline,Enzo Roco Chile Jersey, a soldier’s kui can silver eat big, his body in the air, no focus on the place, and is BianZhao, work force has not been seated, immediately be foolish to blow fly out the split. Searing flames will he the head of the golden hair burned out many, staggered back to the edge of the circle to hold the body.
Foolish also not be, just of the sword, though he’s not out of the world with a strike, but also only less than twenty percent of the work force the remaining, and may not be distributed a the same attack.Silver and three great anger, the whole body mbt outlet suddenly it’s promotion, he want a full, foolish burned his hair, his eye has appeared not careful.
“Enough is enough, stop it.” Just to go out at the silver and three, but are an invisible barrier turned back. To cardinal eyesight, and how can see a foolish have to take off the force?
Foolish relieved to TianGang sword to support the his body, keep breathing, the body that wonderful sources of the circulating qi, but want to return to the best state, but not for a while half the work of a moment……. Red light flashing, cardinals have appeared in front of him, slender palm press on the shoulders of the foolish, “our god to the strength of your strength, and restore the great god of heaven, please give to you the most faithful followers of power, light, darkness, and god will bless you in. God bless.” White light from the cardinals hand give, instantly enveloped the foolish the whole body.
Foolish got a fright, hurried up the last of the qi burstling, chest .
Red glow from the bishop is so warm downy, foolish in the body of the true spirit that the huge sacred breath rapid recovery in, just for a moment of the time just have more than the original energy, foolish whole body suddenly an earthquake, insurgent that moment of true qi breaks through the chest place a meridians cut off, the huge qi as like the sea surges, under the control of the foolish, instantly filled with DanTian and in the whole of the form energizing the meridians therein, foolish heart exultation, he finally broke through the fourth generation never heavy last obstacle, achieve the fifth heavy border. And all of this, is in the cardinals before the help of the finish. Cardinals hand the back and the foolish on the white light but hasn’t diminished trend, a voice in the foolish heart remind of, “children, you call the foolish right, if you TianGang sword send relevant, and I also can rest assured. You said, you promised to my daughter do her footman, I hope you can finish this promise, you that the true qi has reached the fifth heavy, usually, enough to the self-preservation, my daughter too naughty, hope you can give her a little. I won’t catch him temporarily back, let her take a glimpse of human sufferings also is good. In one year after the right, if you met what dangerous, just open your hand the scroll. At the same time, you left hand index finger ring I look at a little familiar,Cleveland Indians Juan Uribe Jersey, I’ll go back to the Pope’s adult consult, it should be an artifact of that, to preserve it, if a year later my daughter, I’ll know better able to recommend you to the holy see, now, you judge not active, must want to put the body that run 49 on Sunday, qi to fully meet the fifth heavy state.”
Foolish of course can’t move, his body movement: the true qi raging, almost her body is broken up, still good he remember the fifth floor power line formula, rapid operation, the cardinals words impressed deeply in his heart, the whole body is a warm, he has fully into a trance.
Cardinals tiny a sigh, turned to the case,New York Mets Steven Matz Jersey, way: “from now on, you who also don’t touch him, for a timeleft the mage silver a trade union.
Cardinals and his crew just a disappear, the case was flat on land, powerful holy breath pressure brought to him was simply too great. His underwear and magic robe had been sweat wet. Now,New York Mets Alejandro De Aza Jersey, he finally realized that the forces of the holy see why so strong, if his guess good, just of bishop, absolutely MoDao division of strength.
Back to the carriage, nadia Sally cannot help but ask a way: “night,Julio Dominguez Mexico Jersey, you really not going to take my daughter back?”






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